Friday, May 14, 2010

Wisdom Qoute

"Stop bitching and live life."

Excuse my french but I didn't have another way to explain my lifestyle. I live life to the fullest no regrets and I move foward.Only looking back to the good and the bad to learn from mistakes. Nobody knows when we're going to go but till that day I'm going to live everyday like it's my last. I'm don't really to much worries in life and not only because I'm young  but because I have a great family, friends, and so many traits that will get me threw even the biggest of challenges.

  Living life to fullest, let see where I start. Ah, yes. Lets start by saying I love to have fun anyway I can, even if it involves getting into trouble because down the road where going to laugh about. I'm a serious guy, most of the time. You'll hardly ever see my mad or sad because I'm always laughing and having a good time. I hardly have any enemies and it's because of my personality, and to all the people who don't like me, they write me a letter which I never will read.

  I never tend to have regrets of what I do or what I have done. Life a bitch then you die, So I try not to stay stuck in the past. I move foward the only direction for me I guess. Everyday is a new day and this life is only borrowed to us, and I always try to make the best out of every situation wether be bad or good. I take everyday as it comes, well atleast on the weekends atleast.

  Friends, not to much to say but I got real friends who will ride or die for me and I got friends who I'll hang out with. I think I'm the luckiest dude on this earth, and not only because my friends are the best but because I also got a family who always has my back. Threw the thick and thin these people always lead me to the right path, when I already know my future is set.

 Life a rollercoaster it has its ups and downs, but what ever it is I'm going to along for the ride. The only way they're going to get me off is when my ride is over and the way things are going I don't see my ride ending till the big man says it is.
"Would you stay true to the game and route you chose to take, or would you break, take a dive in the game and go out like a snake."- (Hicks"Mac Dre"Andre)

"Treat Yourself Don't Cheat Yourself" -(Hick"Mac Dre" Andre)

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