Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sophmore Year!!!

  “A coward dies a thousand deaths... a soldier dies but once.”-(Shakur"Tupac" Amur)

“My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for.”
 -(Shakur"Tupac" Amur)

  This year has been a very great year, it has brought us many good memories. Some better than others but that just depends’ on who’s getting into more trouble. I have met and made a lot of good friends this year, some I really don't consider hanging out with but that's just me. This year has also brought me closer to a lot of my old friends. Overall this year for me has been a big learning experience, not only in school but in life.

  When it comes to friends, I got the best. These people have taught me and stuck by my side threw the thick and thin. Let me start off by saying that my best friends and my brothers are Hiroshi, Andres and Ruben. These three dudes are my ride or dies’, we would take a bullet for each other. Besides my hanging dad, hanging out with these three locos has made me who I am today. Then there’s Jazmine , who has been in my life for the past three years. She has taught me so many things about life and especially about girls. This girl has taught that girls a big pain in the butt. My next victim is Matthew Lujan who I have just met this year. We have made some very good ass memories in and out of school. This right here is my dope half Mexican brother. Then there’s Julain, he calls me his dope half black brother, I don't why but I guess I'm going to roll with it. When it comes to friends, you can say I have made friends with the best of them.

  This year has brought us many good memories, like times we would do good and times we would mess up and get in trouble. There be this one day I will never forget, my friend Andres had just borrowed a camera from the school because we were going to film a little production. We filmed a scene where we go to McDonalds in Rubens truck. Rubens truck is just a one seat truck and, there was about like six of us all jammed into that little space. I had to hide in between everybodys legs because I was the skinniest one. So this lady from Mcdonalds comes out with our food. I'm all cover up in sweaters and clothes. This lady comes out with our food and they hit me with bag and I start moving and Ruben says" Shut up you don't want that duck tape do you!" and I start screaming hysterically and moving all around. The lady freaks out stops and listens for a while and takes off into the McDonalds. 10 minutes later we see a bunch of cops rushing to that McDonalds. Of course we did some more things and recorded it, I just can say what we did. So the next day we go to school and Andres has to return the camera, the teacher watches our videos and Andres gets suspended and kicked out of our school. Man was he pissed, but now we look back to that day and laugh our asses off. I could sit here and write about the other memories I have had that are way crazier than that but then I would be getting carried away, just know that the adventure has just begun.

  My story just keeps getting better and better. I know I'm going to have my ups and downs but I'm never going to break down. I learn something new every day and I teach somebody something new every day. A great teacher once told me "Cease the day." and thats what I plan on doing for the rest of my life.

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