Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wisdom Story

  Just like the young man in the short story my way of throwing starfish back in the sea is by being a good friend. Growing up in a rough nieghborhood, I never really had many friends. My mom tells me that I would cry because I didn't have anyfriends and nobody wanted to play with me. The only friend I had was my cousin Javi but he lived 45 minutes away from me and I got to see him on the weekends.

 Hanging out with my cousin Javi everyweekend brought many new face, mostly girls, but you know how that goes. I'm not say he's gay or anything of that nature, but he was a ladies man. I guess I got a lot of knowledge about ladies from him. I also learned that being a good friend is to always be there and give and don't expect nothing in return.

  As the years passed I made more friends at school I met this really cool cat, we called him Antz.Don't really know why but we just did. We spent many years hanging out no problems, till he started acting like another person, he even made me regret something till this day. After many struggles of being a good friend and just getting treated like crap, I just gave up and ditch him.

  High school came and now I go to school with a lot of kids from my middle school and most of them are my real good friends and some aren't. I guess change is all a part of growing up, some kids I know are heading no where and some are on the right track. One girl i will never forget is my ex girlfriend from the past two years, because till this day we're still talking and even her mom says we just can't be without another.

   I guess what I'm trying to say is that friendships are like the last piece of cake, tast so good while it last but whens its all gone your never going to get that same piece back. My parents always told me you don't need anybody who's going to bring you down, but hang out with the right crowd who's going somewhere in life.

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