Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The TIme Machine

  If I was able to go back in time, I would go backto the 80's the era when hip hop first started comming up. Rap, B-Boys, Graffiti, and everything Hip Hop is. Life would be rough but not as rough as it is today. I would be in New York the birth place of Hip Hop, back when graffiti was every and djs would dj at local parks and local artist would rap to the beat with skill.
My favorite subject is graffiti, not only because its my passion but because back then it was more involved in life. Every where you turned there would be graffiti well atleast in the Bronx and in New York city. Back then it was real graffiti, not gang type stuff. To me thats what messed it up for us, gangs, and idiots who didn't do it for the love of art. I always say " It don't matter if i don't get fame, I love art and art loves me."

  I always loved to dance, ever since first saw Michael J. do the moon walk. I fell in love with the art of dancing and I would always try to dance. Come middle school, I started doing it more. Every chance I could actually, and coming from a mexican family, dancing is something we do every weekend or when were cleaning the house. I always wanted to learn how to break dance, but for me it's just another little kid fantasy.

   Rapping is just something I wouldn't be able to see myself doing, because I'm not the most fluent speaker you would ever meet. You can say I have slight speech inpediments. I'm good with words but when they come out it's hard to say, I always say " It's because I have to much stuff running threw my head." and it's true, I'm always getting ahead of myself.

  I guess, guess a time machine would be great to have, just so you can go back and relive some of the past. This is just a slice of the cake I would like to travel back to. One is reliving the past but fixing mistakes that should of never happened  is another, but thats another story.

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