Thursday, April 8, 2010

Courage & Bravery

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. (Ambrose Redmoon)

To me courage and bravery can't work without one another. To many courage is an act of rising to the challenge when nobody is willing to and bravery is an act of rising to challenge even though you know you might not succeed, but to me they're the same crap. Being a boxer I have both of these traits  because it takes a lot of courage and bravery to step into that ring, knowing that you might get your ass kicked. Getting hit doesnt feel so good but I love the sport so much that it's fun. Sure I might become brain dead but just like any other athelete, if you love your sport your going give it your all. Just like the qoute says something else is more important than fear and that something else for me is my family. When ever I get into that ring I see many face but the only faces I focus on other than my oppents is my families, and to see them happy and smilling makes me happy and pushes me further. I might mess up every now and then but I will always rise to the challenge.

"Let me tell you how you measure a man, when his world start to fall, see how tall he stand. It matters not how many times you fall down, what matters most how many times you rise. Mistakes build character and character takes you places where money can't".-(Clifford"T.I."Joseph Harris Jr,2010)

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